America is called “The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.” We claim to be the land of the free because men are free here to do whatever they wish. We are the home of the brave because we feel that Americans are courageous, as shown by the history of our pioneers…

I have been depressed and despondent in my life and it is always because of what is happening to me or a loved one or family member or in society. When you weigh this fact against the good and bad times in my life you would think that bad times equal depressed times and good…

Henry Kissinger & Bill Gates Call For Mass Vaccination & Global Governance Article and Video From Spiro Skouras We are in the middle of the worst global health pandemic of our lives according to the Media, the Government, and the United Nations. We are witnessing an unprecedented global lockdown in response to the Coronavirus outbreak…

W. B. Stiles about Project Genesis: I am Walter Bruce Stiles, pin name W. B. Stiles. I have written a novel with a contemporary look a group of super people and how they would operate in today’s society. Also, it is about a reporter who was saved by one of the superheroes and her continuing…

The social media war for the minds and hearts of the society we live in today is evident to any rational thinking person. Traditional values are being threatened by progressive thought and the media news and the majority of the entertainment world leans towards liberal ideas and biases. It really is not arguable that this…

Project Genesis: The Gathering of Superheroes By W.B. Stiles Just $2.99 Click Below W. B. Stiles’ new novel has been released. Set in today’s world it is an action adventure in a unique setting. It begins with a mass murderer, a news reporter, and a superhero. They share an event that will change their lives…

Title: Project Genesis: The Gathering of Superheroes Author: W. B. Stiles Publisher: Authors Press ISBN: 978-1-64314-043-8 Pages: 218 Genre: Fiction/Fantasy/Christian Reviewed by: Susan Milam Pacific Book Reviews The US Review Of Books book review by Donna Ford “Our people have prophesied…engineered human DNA to bring about the Omni child. He would lead humanity to man’s…

Title: Project Genesis: The Gathering of Superheroes Author: W. B. Stiles Publisher: Authors Press ISBN: 978-1-64314-043-8 Pages: 218 Genre: Fiction/Fantasy/Christian Reviewed by: Susan Milam Pacific Book Reviews

This is the new edition of the first book in the Project Genesis series with new material and an additional chapter now in paperback to be followed by the premiere of the second novel Project Genesis The Struggle: Book Two. This new edition will soon be available in hardbound version, eBook, and audiobook. Come back…

Retired police officer Chris Amos, a father of three, had the spotlight shone on him while he was still in uniform. Amos shot and killed a young minority male and was given paid leave. He is exactly the type of police officer that Kaepernick spoke about when he said, “There are bodies in the street…

My new novel under my pen name W. B. Stiles, titled: The Gathering: Book One Of The Project Genesis Series is in print now and is available at Amazon and Barnes and Nobel or your closes retail Book Store. Here is a description of the novel: Jane Watkins, a reporter for the Seattle Gazette newspaper,…

This is an excerpt from my book Who Am I? The Gospel Truth About Mankind, you can find the full manuscript Here for your consideration. It seemed appropriate to share it at this time: Betty my wife came to the door slurring her words and her face on the left side was sagging. She had…

People Come Into Your Life For A Reason, A Season, Or A Lifetime People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to…

Well, The end is not yet. Jesus did not come on May 21st. What does it mean? It means that we can not pretend to know God’s will concerning the exact day of the end and his second coming. He said there would be false prophets and people who would lead you astray. “So if…

The 4th of July has come and gone and many people think of the holiday as a day they get off work or a day they see the fireworks. We as Americans take what we have as people of that nation for granted. What do we have; just the greatest nation for opportunity and freedoms…

We have billboards all over town by Family Radio and it’s members stating Judgment Day is coming with the date May 21, 2011, this year. On the website, they give their reasons for the exact date and how they arrived at it. Harold Camping is president of Family Stations, Inc., a California-based religious broadcasting network,…

As I get older I become more cynical. More distrusting of others and on my guard about the motives of others in my life. I question everything and don’t just open my personal life to anyone. How did I get this way and what do I do about it? What did I gain in being…

There was a man that lost his footing at night next to a cliff and fell over the side. As he was falling he reached out and grabbed a bush which stopped his descent into the darkness and he hung there. No one saw him or knew where he was, he was alone on the…

I always wondered what I would do if a court official made me put my hand on a bible and swear to tell “The whole truth and nothing but the truth”. I always thought that because I saw events a certain way that maybe someone else that witness it also saw it differently than I…

There is a way of looking at things that drives me crazy it’s called Relativism. “That’s true for you but not for me”, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”, “You can’t judge other cultures by the standards of your own”, “There are no absolutes in life”, these are some statements of Relativism. Relativism…

As a nation, we are 234 years old. Not the longest time to be a nation at all others have existed many more years. But there is special about the United States of America both in it’s beginning and present day. 13 colonies banded together to throw off the government of the most powerful nation…

It’s fall and the weather is changing the days are getting shorter and the air a little cooler. This is my favorite time of the year in California the transition of seasons bring some beautiful days and cool nights. I turn 60 this year and as scary as that seems to some in life I…
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