Title: Project Genesis: The Gathering of Superheroes
Author: W. B. Stiles
Publisher: Authors Press
ISBN: 978-1-64314-043-8
Pages: 218
Genre: Fiction/Fantasy/Christian
Reviewed by: Susan Milam
Pacific Book Reviews
The US Review Of Books
book review by Donna Ford
“Our people have prophesied…engineered human DNA to bring about the Omni child. He would lead humanity to man’s age of prosperity. It was his destiny.”
Stiles wrote this fantasy novel using as a plot line the classic battle between two forces with divergent agendas for mankind’s future. Setting the story location in America’s northwest, he opts to use a Native American as his main character. A second classic theme—the discovery of the water of life with wondrous properties of longevity and strength—creates a formula for statistics reminiscent of The Bionic Man and Wonder Woman.
The author expertly handles conversation as a tool to reveal character and motivation. This method should easily carry on the story into the second book promised for the series. Plenty of action and loose ends in this exciting novel should entice a reader back for more.